Friday, October 8, 2010

The Ultimate Truth!! ( Guest Poem)

This is a guest post or a guest poem by Ardra, a friend of mine. She has some awesome thoughts and an awesome way of penning them down, and its a privilege to have her let me post this poem in my blog. I thank her for always honestly commenting on my earlier posts and now, for letting me publish this in my blog.


Oh, Oh, Ohhh…..
How I love looking in your eyes
That’s where Innocence sleeps!
The same innocence of a new born baby…
Soo fresh…so dreamy…so nascent!
I have found myself lost in those…
Not once , not twice but everytime I’ve looked at it!

Oh, Oh, Ohhh…..
How I love to see your smile…
That’s where my Happiness lies!
The same smile of my Guardian Angel’s…..
Soo alluring…so mesmerizing….so beauteous!
I have forgotten all my sorrows…
Always when U smile at me!

Oh, Oh, Ohhh…..
How I love to stay in your arms…..
That’s where I belong!
The same protective feeling it gives….just like when I was in mother’s womb…
Soo careing….so indulgent….so benevolent!
I have felt the protective warmth…
Takeaway all the dead cold memories!

Oh, Oh, Ohhh…..
How I thrive on U
Stumbling over words to express how I feel
Because, U have always boldly seized my voice!
How you are the first one
I've found myself willing to learn and grow with
Because, U r my past, the present and the future!
U have invaded my heart
Broke all the walls that have taken me so long to build!
Now, all it conveys to you is my fears of getting hurt
As well as the fact that I don't care anymore
Because my heart has been taken over by U
And now, there is no turning back!.


  1. I guess today is a day when I overdose on love. This is my 3rd love poem since morning.
    Anyway the emotions portrayed through these lines are all too real..the wonderful feeling of being in love and the way the company of that cherished special someone feels.
    Nicely presented!

    Anyway here goes a request for a case you happen to like my entry for the Share Life contest.
    Please do read and if you like it or find it deserving
    Thanks! :-)

    P.S: Your blog page shows a few pop up ads whenever I open it. Is it due to the ads thing on your page?

  2. I appreciate your comment very much, thanks! Yeah..those are ad's from my page, seems to be of no use, so destroying those pop up ads from now!!

  3. Thats a very well penned down poem..
    The feelings have come out really well!!
    Have a nice day.

  4. Strikes the emotional chord very well. Is that pic shot by you ?

    P.s I have two entries for the Indiblogger share life contest, please read and promote it if you like it. Cheers.

    The post links:

  5. I din know u are such a great writter.....expressed ur thoughts very well... :-) !!!

  6.'s not mine :D its a guest post by a friend! :D

  7. Wonderful expression...congrats Ardra!

  8. Poetry is something which goes beyond my understanding... but I liked this one.

    PS: @Naveen: When hovering on your hyperlinks in maroon, it turns white and gives an impression as having disappeared. You should change that!

  9. Oh..thanks Aashish..Nalini...Mag...thanks for dropping by...

    Aashish..thanks 4 letting me know that...i will do something about it! :)


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